This week, Heidi and I sent our baby off to 3rd grade. I still remember her first day of preschool, and now we are only three years removed from middle school. I have to be honest...I'm a little nervous about third grade. I'm a little nervous, because I remember some of my own third grade experiences. Every morning, my friend Johnny and I would get to school a little early to hang out in the back of the classroom and listen to the Licensed To Ill album by the Beastie Boys on our teacher's tape player. I can still hear it: "Now, here's a little story I gots to tell..." Also, in third grade, I had my first little league basketball meltdown, and my first glimpse of a condom that a boy in my class named Alex brought to school. For an unrelated sidenote, my third grade teacher lived next door to Brian Bosworth...no kidding!

Anyway, as a result of all this, Heidi and I have had a couple "concern-sharing conversations" in terms of sending our daughter off to third grade. This has got me wondering: many of you have been watching your child or children head off to school each day this week...some of you for the very first time(s). Others of you work in professions that nurture, teach, and care for children before and after school. Would you chime in with your "back to school" celebrations, anticipations, and trepidations? Please post comments on any or all of them.
Here are some questions to get us started:
1) What excites you about the new school year?
2) What concerns you about the new school year?
3) How can we encourage our children as missionaries to their schools?
4) What funny stories could you tell from your own elementary school experiences?
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