So, in the suburban southwest corner of the DFW Metroplex, what would it look like for us to share in a "Neighbor's Lunch?" How might we offer the hospitality of Table, conversation, and friendship?
Next, we turned to our friends at Harvest House, a local, 25-year old benevolence agency providing food, clothing, and emergency financial assistance for folks in our area. After a half-hour talk with the director, she was willing to give "Neighbor's Lunch" a try. The plan was to invite any and all Harvest House employees, volunteers, clients, and friends to join with participants in and friends of the Christ Journey community for Taco Tuesdays at Rosa's Mexican Cafe on the last Tuesday of each month.
That's it. Christ Journey does not do this so that clients of the Harvest House will "come to our church," and Harvest House does not do this as a client stipulation for assistance. We're just gathering around the table eating fantastic tacos and sharing life together. And so, we're growing in relationship with Sheila and her mother. We're getting to know Alice as a friend and not just the Executive Director of Harvest House. We've shared a meal with Ginger, and a couple other families. Who would've thought that service, justice, and friendship could happen through a plate of tacos, beans, and rice?
Thanks, Charles, for modeling such a gathering for us. Thanks, Christ Journey, for seeking to be known as a community of people living the with-God life throughout Burleson and the surrounding cities. Thanks, Harvest House, for shining the lights of hope, justice, and provision into the dark, hidden, and neglected lives of our town.
The mission of God is coming alive in the suburbs.
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